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Engur Property

Engur Property

  • Listings - 35

About This Author

The roots of ENGUR PROPERTY; It is based on Menteşoğlu Holding, which has been operating in the fields of textile, tourism and construction, especially food (sea products) in Turkey and abroad since the 1960s, employing tens of thousands of people, and has achieved “FIRST” in export and import in our country. Our company, which has carried out dozens of construction and real estate projects in many regions of our country such as Istanbul, Bodrum/Muğla, Samsun, Mersin and Amasya since 2003, has been operating in Russia, Iran, Iraq, Kazakhstan and African countries on the one hand as ENGUR PROPERTY since 2019 with its experience of more than half a century. While providing consultancy services to its citizens in the field of investment, purchase and rental in the field of real estate, on the other hand, acquisition of Turkish citizenship, residence permit, work permit, company establishment and interior decoration, restoration, architectural plan and project development, landscaping, renovation … etc. It continues to provide consultancy services on all kinds of legal and architectural issues through its expert and experienced lawyers and architects consultants. Our company, which continues to grow with the vision of bringing in the most investors in Turkey in the field in which it operates; will continue to be one of the leading companies in the sector thanks to its professional, modern, efficient consultancy and management processes and constantly increasing customer satisfaction.

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